The introductory text was quoted in part from the Distinguished Alumni section of the Xi Chapter’s website,, which was compiled and written by Matt Tuccillo ’95 and constructed by Kenneth Andersen ’97. |
Many thanks to Tom Fox ’00, Director of Chapter Services at Psi Upsilon Fraternity, for his help and guidance in this process. Psi U has also graciously given permission for quotations from all their various publications and use of images. |
Thank you to the faculty and staff at the University of Illinois Library, Archives and the Student Life and Culture Collection, including Ellen D. Swain, Archivist for Student Life and Culture, and Chris D’Arpa, graduate student, both of the Archives Research Center; Ann Ribstein, Reference Librarian, Alfred E. Jenner, Jr. Memorial Law Library; Mary Miller, Reference and Operations Specialist, University Archives; Linda Stahnke, Archival Operations and Reference Specialist, University Archives; Christopher J. Prom, Assistant University Archivist |
Thanks to Tamar Chute, The Ohio State University Archives, for information on Earl W. Anderson ’18; For John B. Lord, Sr. ’39, material was retrieved from here and, as well as from contacts with retired Professor Nicolas Kiessling of WSU and Lawrence R. Stark, Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections Washington State University Libraries; Information on C. Lyman Emrich ’32 was retrieved from here. |
From the University of Illinois’ website, permission is pending to quote from and Permisson was obtained to quote and use the image from |
Each individual has been contacted to secure quotes and/or permission to use text and images. Every attempt has been made to otherwise get these permissions; please inform Dave Komie, Secretary of the Omicron Alumni Association, if you have further citation data. |