1. You may enter your prediction before 10:45PM on the night before the game.
To enter a prediction just choose the enter predictions menu item on the left.
Click on the icons for the game you wish to edit.
Enter the score for half time and full time
2. You may enter all your predictions together. You do not have to wait until the day before the game.
3. Final games scrores will be updated on Sunday night and Point Standing will be calculated by each Monday.
4. Scoring is based on the following:
If you correctly quess the out come of the game you get 1 point
If you correctly guess the half time score of the home or away team you get 3 points
If you correctly quess the final time score of the home or away team you get 6 points
If you quess the exact final score you get 10 points
5. To see where you stand in the pool click on the Player Ranking Menu on the left.
6. Have fun